Port Shepstone Lions Club

District 410-E | South Africa

The Lions Club of Port Shepstone was officially chartered in 1970 and forms part of Multiple District 410-E (Eastern South Africa) - Zone 10.

For the past 5 decades, our club has served the needs of those less fortunate within the Coastal Community of Southern Kwazulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa.

Our Club is involved with many community service projects and fundraisers.

Additional information on the various projects undertaken by our Club can be accessed by clicking on any of the links listed above.

We are extremely proud of our association with the International Association of Lions Clubs, the largest and most successful service organisation in the world.

Annual Leadership Retreat

Recognising our youth as tomorrows leaders. We aim to provide a forum for the reinforcement of those leadership skills already recognised in certain individual pupils by the school. Providing such a course as a service to the school and it's youth.

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Sight Preservation Projects

Each year during October the Port Shepstone Lions Club teams up with Dr Trevor Steyn and the Hibiscus Private Hospital in port Shepstone for their Annual Eye Care Awareness Week Project.

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Hearing Preservation Projects

The Port Shepstone Lions' Audiology Clinic, situated at Murchison Hospital, provides a vital service to the population of Southern Kwazulu-Natal and the Pondoland Region of the Eastern Cape.

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Senior Citizens Projects

For over 3 decades, the Lions Club of Port Shepstone has been sponsoring free Social games. Initially this fun activity was provided to senior citizens who were blind, however, in later years, we welcomed all seniors who wanted to participate.

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Underprivileged Children's Holidays

The Club, in partnership with the Reitz Lions has, on numerous occasions, sponsored holidays to the seaside for underprivileged children from various parts of the Eastern Freestate Province.

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Annual Blind Bowlers Weekend

Since 1981, the Port Shepstone Lions have sponsored the Annual Blind Bowlers Weekend competition. Apart from the games, the weekend includes accommodation, breakfast and lunch and the Lion Ladies provide and serve dinner on the Saturday evening.

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